Employee Handbook Please review the handbook and complete the form. For questions: carmen@wellnessequityalliance.com Review the Handbook Name * First Name Last Name WEA Email * ACKNOWLEDGEMENT * I acknowledge receipt of Wellness Equity Alliance’s Team Member Handbook and agree to follow the policies and guidelines set forth within. I also acknowledge the following: Receipt of this handbook does not create a contract of employment or in any way alter my at-will employment status. Wellness Equity Alliance or I can end the employment relationship at any time, with or without notice, and with or without cause. I am not entitled to any particular sequence of disciplinary measures prior to termination. With the exception of the at-will employment policy, this handbook may be modified at any time by the Company. Violation of any policy in this handbook, or any policy included as an addendum, may be grounds for discipline, up to and including termination. This handbook does not include every process, policy, and expectation applicable to team members, or my position specifically. I may be counseled, disciplined, or terminated for poor behavior or performance even if the behavior or performance issue is not addressed in the handbook. Should any provision in this handbook be in conflict with federal, state, or local law, that provision only will be considered ineffective, while the rest of the handbook remains effective. If I have questions regarding any policy in this handbook, or other expectations related to my behavior or performance, it is my responsibility to speak with my supervisor or manager or P&C. Yes - I have read and understand the above acknowledgement. Thank you. Your acknowledgment has been captured.